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Sunday, March 24, 2024-PALM SUNDAY: “Choose Your Parade”

Choose Your Parade1—Mark 11: 1-11 Palm Sunday—March 24, 2024 The power of love is it’s vulnerability. God, I wish it weren’t so. I wish so desperately that people, corporations, and governments could be compelled to love. But then you would undermine the very essence of love, you would rip the heart out of love. Love can’t be compelled. Love doesn’t have an…

Sunday, March 17, 2024 – Lent 5: “Eternal Life Now”

Eternal Life Now—John 3: 16-17 A few years ago I read a fascinating article on near death experiences,1 where people while being clinically dead, upon regaining consciousness, report having floated above their bodies, observing the reactions of family and friends, noting details about conversations between nurses and doctors and entering into a place of incredible peace, acceptance and bonding. Many of these…

Sunday, March 10, 2024-4th Lent: Travelling with Jesus on the Remit Road

I don’t go on a lot of trips. One of the reasons is that whenever I think about planning one, I get overwhelmed. Recently, I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and apparently this feeling of being overwhelmed and the anxiety that goes with it is quite common when someone like me considers a trip or some other project that needs planning. You could…

Sunday, February 25, 2024: “Power as a Blessing”

Power as a Blessing—Genesis 17: 1-8, 15-16 (February 25, 2024-2nd Lent) I’m glad for the video we just watched. We need stories of movement. of momentum on the anti-racist journey. So, while we shouldn’t be too self-satisfied, it is important to recognize, to point out movement. For example, I think of Paul Knowles standing up last week and talking about how attending Parkminster…

Sunday, February 18, 2024: “A God Who Eschews Power”

A God Who Eschews Power—Genesis 9: 8-17 (February 18, 2024-First Sunday in Lent) (Prior to the reflection, the congregation watched an edited version of the video, Unhitching White Supremacy, with Rev. Jacqui Lewis from the Work of the People video subscription service) This year was one of those years where Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fell on the same day. On Tuesday…